1) What is the purpose of a procedure text? a) To entertain readers b) To persuade readers c) To inform readers d) To criticize readers 2) In a recipe, the instruction " Bake at 350o for 25-30 minutes" is an example of which component? a) Cooking time and temperature b) Nutritional information c) Ingredient d) Equipment 3) What does a recipe procedure text usually provide? a) The history of the dish b) The writer's personal experience c) The steps to make the dish d) The description of the taste 4) Which of the following is a common tool used in recipes for mixing ingredients? a) Blender b) Spatula c) Oven d) Plate 5) The dominant linguistic elements in the recipe procedure text above are.... a) Past tense b) Present continuous tense c) Future tense d) Simple present tense 6) Which sentence correctly uses the simple present tense? a) I will be mixing the batter. b) They mixed the ingredients yesterday. c) she mixes the batter every morning. d) He was mixing the batter when I arrived 7) Which of the following phrases is most likely to be found in the ingredients section of a recipe? a) Preheat the oven b) Stir until smooth c) 2 cups of flour d) Let it coll 8) Identify the correct sequence of steps in a recipe for making a cake a) Preheat that oven, bake the better, mix the gredients b) Mix the ingredients, pour into a pan, bake the better c) Pour into a pan, mix the ingredients, bake the better d) preheat the oven, pour into a pan, mix the ingredients 9) The correct structure of a recipe procedure text is.... a) Ingredients, steps, purpose b) Objective, steps, ingredients c) Steps, objectives, materials d) Objectives, material, step 10) Which word best fits in the blank: "......... the eggs into the bowl and whisk them." a) Pour b) Boil c) Crack d) Slice

Diagnostic cognitive assessment- Text procedure recipe


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