Genotype - The genetic information inherited from parents., Phenotype - The physical and chemical characteristics of an organism as a result of the interaction between the genotype and environment., Gene - A specific length of DNA that codes for the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide., Allele - Form of a gene, Gene locus - The position of a gene on a chromosome., Haploid - one copy of each chromosome in the cell, Diploid - Two copies of the chromosome in the cell, Heterozygous - When the alleles of a gene at the same locus on the chromosome are different., Homozygous - When the alleles of a gene pair at the same locus on a chromosome are the same., Homologous chromosomes - Chromosome pairs carrying the same genes at the same loci, Dominant allele - An allele that is expressed when both in the heterozygote and homozygote, Recessive allele - An allele that is expressed only when in the homozygote,

S3 Genetics

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