Prognosis - A prediction of a disease, Jocose - playful or humorous, festoon - a chain or garland of flowers, leaves, or ribbons, hung in a curve as a decoration, ire - anger, circuitous - having a circular or winding force, doleful - sorrowful, mournful, and melancholy, figurative - departing from use of literal words, cyclical - occurring in cycles, rotunda - a round building or room, especially one with a dome, excavate - to make a hole by digging, or remove earth carefully and systematically from an area in order to find buried remains, Pro - before/for, Jocus - joke/joker, Festus - festive, Doleo/dolere/dolui/doltum - to grieve, ira - anger, circum  - around, figura - form/shape, kuklos - wheel/circle, rota/rotundis - wheel/round, cavea - a hollow,

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