Adagio - Slowly, Andante - At an easy walking pace, Moderato - At a moderate speed, Allegro - Fast and lively, Presto - Very fast, Accelerando - Gradually becoming faster, Rallentando (rall.) - Gradually becoming slower, Ritardando (rit.) - (also) Gradually becoming slower, Ritenuto (riten. or rit.) - Immediately slower, A tempo - Return to former speed, Crescendo (cresc.) - Gradually becoming louder, Decrescendo (decresc.) - Gradually becoming softer, Diminuendo (dim) - (also) Gradually becoming softer, Fortissimo (ff) - Very loud, Forte (f) - Loud, Mezzo forte (mf) - Moderately loud, Mezzo piano (mp) - Moderately soft, Piano (p) - Soft, Pianissimo (pp) - Very soft, Legato - Smooth and well connected, Staccato - Short and detached, Slur - A line connecting two or more notes of different pitches, Tie - A line connecting two notes of the same pitch, Bar line - Divides music into equal sections according to the time signature, Double bar line - Indicated the end of a piece or important section, Simple duple - Two crotchet beats in a bar, Simple triple - Three crotchet beats in a bar, Simple quadruple - Four crotchet beats in a bar, Compound duple - Six quaver beats/two dotted crotchet beats in a bar,

Italian Terminology


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