They should drink fresh water ., My stomach hurts. Should I eat more cake?, You don't want to cut your finger ., You''ll burn your hand ., You shouldn't kick the ball with your toes., Did you bruise your hand playing basketball ?, Does her hand hurt ?, Should they bounce on a trampoline ?, When should we eat vegetables ?, Many children have caught the flu, which is short for influenza., Carlos has got a sore throat ., Then you shouldn't eat any biscuits ., Where should Katy and Jack go ?, When should they go home ?, Who should she go with ?, You might fall and bruise your knee ., Would you like to be a vet and help animals ?, Yes, I think it would be an interesting job ., I would like to be a school nurse ., I had a headache, but Mum's chicken soup tasted so good .,

BH4 Unit 9 - review

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