1) Evaluate the effectiveness of job enrichment and job rotation as methods of motivation in a medium-sized enterprise. a) Increasing wages is more effective than either method. b) Job enrichment is more effective for long-term motivation. c) Job rotation provides more opportunities for skill development. d) Both methods are equally effective. 2) What would be the most suitable form of business organization for a local bakery aiming to expand into a national franchise? a) Sole trader b) Partnership c) Private limited company (Ltd) d) Public limited company (PLC) 3) Assess the impact of outsourcing customer service to a foreign country on a company’s brand image and customer satisfaction. a) Customer satisfaction will significantly improve. b) The brand image may suffer due to quality concerns. c) There will be no effect on customer satisfaction. d) The company's costs will increase significantly. 4) A retail store decides to lower prices to compete with an online retailer. Evaluate the potential risks and benefits of this strategy. a) Increased sales but lower profit margins. b) Increased profit margins but fewer customers. c) No effect on sales or profits. d) Decreased sales but higher profits. 5) A company is considering reducing its workforce to cut costs. What would be the long-term effects on employee morale and productivity? a) Improved morale and productivity. b) No effect on morale or productivity. c) Lower morale but higher productivity. d) Lower morale and decreased productivity. 6) Evaluate the importance of cash flow management in preventing business failure, using a small manufacturing company as an example. a) Cash flow management is irrelevant for small businesses. b) Cash flow problems lead to business failure. c) Cash flow management is only important for large companies. d) Businesses can easily survive without cash flow planning. 7) A fast-food chain is considering automating its kitchen operations. Evaluate the potential benefits and drawbacks of this decision. a) Increased efficiency but higher initial costs. b) Decreased efficiency but lower costs. c) No significant change in operations. d) Employees will welcome the changes. 8) Evaluate whether offering flexible working hours can improve employee productivity in a business that relies on teamwork and collaboration. a) Productivity will increase without any issues. b) Teamwork will be negatively affected. c) Flexible hours won’t affect productivity or teamwork. d) Employee productivity will decrease significantly. 9) A company wants to increase its market share by introducing a low-cost product line. Evaluate the potential impact on its brand reputation and customer base. a) Brand reputation will improve significantly. b) Customer base will grow, but the brand image may suffer. c) No change to customer base or brand reputation. d) The customer base will shrink, and brand reputation will improve. 10) Evaluate the effectiveness of using social media marketing for a company that has traditionally relied on TV advertising. a) TV advertising is still the best method. b) Social media marketing will have no effect. c) Social media can reach a younger audience effectively. d) Social media marketing is too costly to implement. 11) A small business is considering switching from local suppliers to cheaper foreign suppliers. Evaluate the potential risks and rewards of this decision. a) The business will face no risks but gain significant cost savings. b) Quality control may be an issue, but costs will decrease. c) The business will lose customers due to foreign suppliers. d) Switching suppliers will have no impact. 12) A technology company wants to expand into a developing market. Evaluate the factors it should consider before making this decision. a) The only factor to consider is local competition. b) Government regulations and market demand must be evaluated. c) The company should not consider expanding. d) Expansion will automatically lead to success. 13) Evaluate the impact of increasing minimum wage laws on a business that employs a large number of low-skilled workers. a) The business will experience no change. b) The business’s labor costs will increase significantly. c) Productivity will automatically increase with higher wages. d) The business will see a significant rise in profits. 14) A company is considering investing in renewable energy to reduce its operational costs. Evaluate the potential long-term benefits and initial costs. a) Renewable energy investments are always too expensive. b) Long-term cost savings can outweigh the high initial investment. c) There will be no cost savings from renewable energy. d) Operational costs will increase significantly in the long term. 15) Evaluate the effectiveness of using a flat organizational structure in a large multinational corporation. a) A flat structure improves decision-making but may reduce accountability. b) A flat structure will increase costs. c) There is no benefit to using a flat structure in large organizations. d) A flat structure will ensure high profitability. 16) A retail chain is planning to open new stores in rural areas. Evaluate the potential challenges and benefits of this expansion strategy. a) Opening stores in rural areas is guaranteed to succeed. b) The company will face challenges related to market size and logistics. c) There are no risks associated with rural expansion. d) The stores will generate immediate profits. 17) Evaluate whether a public limited company (PLC) should focus on profit maximization or corporate social responsibility to enhance its public image. a) Profit maximization is always more important. b) Focusing on social responsibility can improve the company’s reputation. c) Corporate social responsibility has no impact on public image. d) The company should avoid focusing on social responsibility. 18) A hotel chain is considering implementing eco-friendly practices to attract environmentally conscious customers. Evaluate the potential advantages and disadvantages of this approach. a) The eco-friendly practices will only increase costs. b) There are no benefits to implementing eco-friendly practices. c) The hotel chain will lose its existing customer base. d) Eco-friendly practices will reduce costs and attract more customers. 19) Evaluate the impact of increasing advertising spending on a company’s profitability in a highly competitive market. a) Increased spending guarantees profitability. b) The company will face no risks with higher spending. c) Spending more on advertising may not lead to higher profits. d) Advertising has no effect on profitability. 20) A company is deciding whether to enter a joint venture with a foreign partner. Evaluate the risks and benefits of this decision for its long-term growth strategy. a) There are no risks involved in joint ventures. b) The company should avoid any partnerships. c) Joint ventures will automatically ensure long-term success. d) Joint ventures can provide access to new markets but carry operational risks.

AO4 (Evaluation) Year 10

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