1) Which is sixty eight ? a) b) c) 2) Which one is the correct statement ? a) 26 is between 20 and 30 b) 61 is between 50 ang 60 c) 72 is between 75 and 85 3) 5 less than 46 is .... a) 40 b) 41 c) 42 4) 3 more than 70 is .... a) 70 b) 73 c) 76 5) 7 more than 30 is .... a) 30 b) 35 c) 37 6) The yellow star is .... from the right a) 3th b) 4th c) 5th 7) The 7th shape from the left is .... a) b) c) 8) There are seven tens and its value is .... a) seven b) seventeen c) seventy 9) There are .... ones a) eight b) six c) four 10) 20 is ... 45 a) greater than b) smaller than c) the biggest 11) 83 ... 90 a) < b) > c) = 12) 74 ... 59 a) < b) > c) = 13) 47 rounded to the nearest ten is .... a) 20 b) 50 c) 70 14) Which of these shapes are not symmetrical ? a) b) c) 15) Which of these dotted lines are not lines of symmetry ? a) b) c) 16) Which of 2D shapes ? a) b) c) 17) Which of 3D shapes ? a) b) c) 18) The faces of the pyramid include .... a) 1 pentagon and 5 triangles b) 1 pentagon and 6 triangles c) 1 hexagon and 5 triangles 19) What name the shape ? a) cuboid b) triangle c) cone 20) The lines of symmetry hexagon is .... a) two b) five c) seven 21) Which one has 6 straight sides ? a) pentagon b) hexagon c) octagon 22) Some children were playing in the park. Consisting of 30 boys and 15 girls. How many children are playing in the park ? a) 40 b) 45 c) 50 23) Which one the possible addition sentence that make 100 ? a) 40 and 40 make 100 b) 60 and 30 make 100 c) 55 and 45 make 100 24) My father bought Banyu 30 donuts as a birthday present. Then he gave 12 donuts to his brother. How many donuts do you have left ? a) 18 b) 12 c) 22 25) What are the missing numbers ? a) 63, 73, 83, 93 b) 63, 64, 65, 66 c) 63, 74, 85, 96 26) 57 + 38 = .... a) 85 b) 95 c) 98 27) 84 - 26 = .... a) 58 b) 68 c) 78 28) The missing number is .... a) 2 b) 0 c) 20 29) 63 - 32 = .... a) b) c) 30) 59 - 25 = .... a) 34 b) 35 c) 39

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