1) What is the Turkish equivalent of the word "adventure"? a) Heyecanlı b) Tehlikeli c) Sıkıcı d) Macera 2) Aha şimdi geldik Zurnanın zırt dediği yere are you ready? a) Evet b) Hayır 3) Which one is different? a) amusing b) fascinating c) disappointing d) entertaining 4) I …………………. go rafting ………………… canoeing because it’s easier. a) would rather / than b) prefer / than c) prefer / to d) would rather / to 5) “I would rather go scuba diving on my summer holidays. I’m a member of a diving club in Kaş, Antalya.” a) b) c) d) 6) Riding an elephant is …………….. dangerous ……………... climbing a mountain. a) more / than b) less / from c) more / to d) less / than 7) I would rather ………………. a motorcycle tour on a mountainous road because it’s so adventurous. a) join b) joins c) joining d) joined 8) I prefer seeing the Pyramids because ……………………………… . a) it’s dangerous b) historic places are boring c) I’m interested in historic places d) I love sea life 9) I’m an adrenalin seeker. I love doing ………………………. a) safer sports b) extreme sports c) healthier sports d) boring sports 10) Aferin len buraya kadar geldin emme daha bir sürü soru var dikkat et!!! a) Boş yapma geç b) Saol gardaş dikkat ederiz. c) bismillah 11) I love sea a lot. I would rather try ……………………. a) paragliding b) caving c) skydiving d) scuba diving 12) My best friend ………………… mountain biking ………………... ice climbing. a) prefer / than b) prefer / to c) prefers / to d) prefers / than 13) If you see a burglary, who should you call? a) b) c) d) 14) Dayan lan az kaldı a) boş yapma geç b) hazır değilim geçme 15) Kemal :I love extreme sports_________ sky diving, rafting and bungee jumping. a) Suc as b) However c) So that d) Because 16) helal olsun sınavı geçtin ama hiç bir şey kazanamadın :) :) :) a) Gine yap ama uzun olsun bune azıcık b) Bune lan soru değil kazık c) Buna basma sakın bak sakınnn

Yazar: Anıl Adventures


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