R v. Pittwood (1902) - Duty owed under a contract, R v. Gibbons and Proctor (1918) - A duty of care is owed from parent to child , R v. Stone and Dobinson (1977) - A duty of care is owed if you voluntarily assume responsibility , R v. Miller (1983) - A duty of care is owed to limit accidental harm , R v. Dytham (1979) - A duty of care is owed to the public through public office , Road Traffic Act 1988 - A failure to stop and report a road traffic accident is an offence  , Hill v. Baxter (1958) - An act must be voluntary , Conduct Crime - The 'behaviour' or 'doing' is prohibited e.g. perjury  , Result Crime - A crime which requires a specific outcome e.g. murder / criminal damage , State of Affairs Crime - Just 'being' is an offence (even if it is involuntary) , R v. Larsonneur (1933) - Even though D was involuntarily in the UK, she was 'being' an illegal alien , Winzar v. Chief Constable of Kent - D was charged with 'being' drunk on a highway, even though the police escorted him there ,

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