overweight - a polite way to say fat, arrogant - when you think you are better and more important than other people, confident - when you believe in your own abilities and don't feel nervous or frightened , quiet - the opposite of talkative, slim - synonym of thin, platform - a place where you wait for your train, subway - the other way to say underground, tent - when you go camping you sleep in a , crowded - with lots of people at the same place, especially too many, block of flats - most people in Russian cities live in this type of building, outskirts - the area of a city that is the furthest from the centre, stale - old and bad, not fresh, dessert - you eat it after the main course, semi-skimmed - the adjective to describe food with law percentage of fat, baked - to describes cakes cooked in the oven, frozen - preserved by becoming extremely cold, boiled - cooked in very hot water, grade - the other way to say "mark", term - your school decided into some parts. What is the name of these parts?, scholarship - an amount of money that an organisation gives you so that you can study at a university, architecture - the study of designing buildings, chemistry - the study of substances and how substances react with each other, resit - when you pass your exam again because you failed your previous exam,

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