1) Obawiam się, że nie rozumiem. a) I can't, I don't understand. b) I am afraid I don't understand. c) I never understand. d) Do you understand? 2) Czy mogę prosić o sałatkę z frytkami? a) I like some salad with chips. b) Please, I am asking about some salad with chips. c) Can I have some salad with chips, please? d) Salad and chips, now! 3) Ile to kosztuje? a) How much is it costing? b) Is it very expensive? c) It's PLN 20. d) How much does it cost? 4) Ile masz długopisów? a) How many pens have you got? b) How much pens do you have? c) How many pens do you buy? d) How much are the pens? 5) Która jest godzina? a) Do you have some time? b) What time is it? c) Which time is it? d) Is it time now? 6) Poproszę o bilet do Warszawy w jedną stronę. a) A single ticket to Warsaw, please. b) A return ticket to Warsaw, please. c) Can I go to Warsaw? d) Come with me to Warsaw, please. 7) Jestem Polakiem. a) I am Poland. b) I come from Poland. c) I am Polish. d) I am a polish. 8) Nie mogę się doczekać. a) I can't. Go away. b) I can't go. c) I am waiting. d) I can’t wait. 9) Interesuję się muzyką. a) I am interesting music. b) I am interested in music.  c) Music is my life. d) I am interested in films. 10) Czy możesz mu pomóc? a) Help! b) Can you help me? c) Can you help him? d) I need your help. 11) Powinnaś iść do lekarza. a) You should go to the doctor. b) Your mum is a doctor. c) You should be a doctor. d) I want to be a doctor. 12) Co się dzieje? a) What is happy? b) What’s the matter? c) Which is the problem? d) I am tired. 13) Szybko wracaj do zdrowia. a) Quick, keep healthy. b) Return to healthy quickly. c) Go back soon. d) Get well soon. 14) Czy mogę prosić o kanapkę? a) Give me a sandwich, please. b) Can I have a sandwich, please? c) Where is the sandwich? d) I want a sandwich. 15) Czy mógłbyś to powtórzyć? a) Can you say it again? b) What do you mean? c) Could you repeat that please? d) Tell me that please. 16) Co masz na myśli? a) Do you understand? b) Do you know that? c) What do you think? d) What do you mean? 17) Przepraszam, czy poczta jest w pobliżu? a) Excuse me, is there a post office near here? b) Excuse me, how can I get to the post office? c) Excuse me, where is the post office? d) Excuse me, how can I find the post office? 18) Obawiam się, że się nie zgadzam. a) I agree with you. b) I don't accept your opinion. c) I'm afraid I have to disagree. d) you are absolutely right. 19) Wolisz chodzić do kina czy teatru? a) Do you like going to theatre or cinema? b) Do you prefer going to the cinema or theatre? c) What do you think about going to the cinema and theatre? d) Do you like going to the cinema or theatre? 20) Dobra robota. a) Good luck. b) All the best. c) Best wishes. d) Well done.

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