First government agency to regulate business in America, Name THREE Robber Barons, What was the Grange movement?, Wabash v. Illinois stated that states cannot...., Who came up with Vertical Integration? What is it?, What is an interlocking Directorate? , What did the Bessemer Process lead to the construction of?, Wealthy capitalist used this theory to justify their wealth., What is the Gospel of Wealth?, What made monopolies illegal in 1890? Why was it rarely enforced?, Why was the Knights of Labor unsuccessful? , Who was the leader of the KOL? , What labor union was successful that was led by Samuel Gompers? , Strike in 1894 where President Cleveland had to bring in federal troops., What is President Grant's presidency known for?, Jim Fisk and Jay Gould were part of what scandal that involved Gold prices? , Leader of Tammany Hall...., Name TWO scandals that took place under Grant's presidency., What is the difference between Hard-money and soft-money?, What was the Resumption Act of 1875?, The Stalwart Faction and "Half-Breed Faction had opposing viewpoints on what topic?, Explain the Compromise of 1877., The Compromise of 1877 officially ended..., What are the Civil Rights Amendments? Explain each one., Name/list THREE Black Codes., What is the outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson? What later court case overturned this decision?, What was the name of the act that didn't allow people of Asian decent to become citizens?, What did Chester Arthur do when he took over for Garfield that went against his previous beliefs?, What did the Pendleton Act of 1883 do?, Grover Cleveland is the only president to...., What was the McKinley Tariff Bill of 1890?, Give THREE characteristics/beliefs of the Populist party..., Give TWO characteristics of New Immigrants., Jane Addams is known for..., Overcrowded, filthy housing in the cities were called..., Group of ex military soldiers that would break up strikes., Nativist political party., How did New Immigrants try to blend into American society?, Name Two men who had opposing viewpoints on how African Americans can obtain their rights., What city between 1870 and 1900 had the largest percentage of population growth?.


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