1) Have you ever _________ anything? a) win b) won c) been won 2) I would feel better, if the beach ________ less crowded. a) been b) be c) was d) will be 3) If I ____________ more money, I could afford to go by taxi more often. a) have b) will have c) having d) had 4) You've puzzled me with this question. I ______________ what to say. a) 'm not knowing b) don't know c) not know 5) Can't you put your socks in the clothes basket? I hate it when you ____________ them around the house. a) leave b) are leaving c) are left 6) Since ___________ have you had this car? a) when b) while c) how long 7) I've never had a) stolen my car b) stole my car c) my car stolen 8) I haven't finished the report________. a) so far b) yet c) already 9) robić progres a) make notes b) make progress c) do progress 10) robić pracę domową a) make homework b) make a housework c) do homework 11) robić notatki a) make notes b) do notes c) make list 12) zajęcia grupowe a) do mistakes b) make do activities c) do group activities 13) język ( mówiony) a) tongue b) language c) lips 14) uczeń a) learner b) person c) listener 15) słownik a) definition b) dictionary c) word list


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