Aerial Photograph - A picture taken from the air that shows the topography of the ground below, Geophysical Survey - An X -ray of the ground to check for possible artefacts, Rescue Archaeology - Checking for archaeological remains when digging foundations for new buildings/roads etc., Site - Where an excavation is taking place, Dig - Another word for excavation, Excavation - An archaeological dig, Topsoil - The top layer of soil, removed by mechanical digger, Test Trench - A sample hole at a possible archaeological site, Carbon 14 Dating - Laboratory test for the presence/amount of Carbon 14 in the remains of organic (living) matter, Stratigraphy - Dating using the layer(stratus) of the earth that an artefact is found in , Dendrochronology - Dating using the rings of treetrunks, Pollen Analysis - Study of pollen grains to see what was grown, DNA Testing - Tests that help identify the origins and ethnicity of a person, 3D Reconstruction - Using computer modelling and clay to reconstruct a part of the body from bones found, B.C.E - Before Common Era, Research Archaeology - Reviewing documents/maps to look for potential archaeological sites, Ruin - Remains of an old building, Oral History - History that was passed down through stories told, not words written, Topography - Shape of the surface of the earth, Laboratory - Place where scientific tests are performed,

Job of the Archaeologist Flip Tile



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