1) A book of over 1,000 knock-knock jokes a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 2) A cook book containing recipes for making recipes for making cakes, cookies and other desserts. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 3) A politician's speech about how homes should be provided to families who can not afford them. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 4) A shape poem about wanting to be a fish. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 5) An article comparing and contrasting American and Swedish health care systems. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 6) A young girl's note to her parents giving reasons why they should buy a cat. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 7) A website describing the rules for having dogs on leashes in the park. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain 8) The Shakespearean play, Romeo and Juliet, where two young people fall in love and are forbidden to see one another. a) Persuade b) Inform c) Entertain


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