1) Who thought that atoms were like tiny solid spheres and came up with several other ideas that still serve as the foundation for modern chemistry? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 2) Who was the first to use the term "atomos"? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 3) Who came up with the idea that electrons travel in energy levels orbiting the nucleus similar to the way planets travel around the sun? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 4) Who thought that atoms are made of mostly empty space with positive charges in the center? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 5) Who thought that atoms were made of a positively charged ball with negative charges scattered throughout? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 6) Who used the cathode ray tube and founded the electron? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 7) Who founded the nucleus of the atom? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 8) Who identified atoms as small particles that had no internal parts? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 9) Who experimented and found that elements were composed of the same types of atoms that had the same properties? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 10) Who used this experiment to identify that the atom was mostly empty space? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 11) Identify the model a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 12) Who founded the missing particle called the neutron that added extra mass to the nucleus? a) Democritus b) John Dalton c) J.J. Thomson d) Ernest Rutherford e) Niels Bohr f) Chadwick 13) Which subatomic particle did Rutherford discover? a) electrons b) protons c) neutrons d) leptons e) electron cloud 14) Who explained "Elements are characterized by their atoms weight" a) Democritus b) Dalton c) Thomson d) Rutherford e) Chadwick f) Bohr 15) Used the gold foil experiment to find the charge of a proton a) Democritus b) Dalton c) Thomson d) Rutherford e) Chadwick f) Bohr 16) The plum pudding model used to find the charge of an electron a) Democritus b) Dalton c) Thomson d) Rutherford e) Chadwick f) Bohr


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