What you should do if you can't get to sleep, My high school, My elementary school, The last meal I ate, A song I listened to recently, A game I used to play when I was young, The best place I have visited, My biggest fear, Traditions in my country, Cultural differences between my country and Australia, Something terrible I did when I was young, The best gift I have ever received, The last TV show I watched, My bedroom in Melbourne, Something I used to be bad at as a child, but I'm good at now, How to become rich, How to practice your English at home, A TV show I watched recently, My family, The differences between my language and English, An important lesson my parents taught me, My cellphone, Somebody I admire, A movie I saw recently, Some food that is popular in my country, but not in Australia, Why technology is important in my life, A place I would love to visit, How life would be different without cellphones , A friend of mine and how our relationship has changed through the years, How to lead a balanced lifestyle , The importance of friendship, How to be a good human, My strengths and weaknesses, How to overcome a difficult challenge, How to maintain a long distance relationship, How to save money, Why you should cherish your teenage years.

(I2+) Good morning everybody. Today I'm gonna talk to you about...



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