Glorious Revolution (1688): ____ I is a broke, arrogant king. He fires Parliament when they won’t give him money. He angers Puritans. They leave. Charles I is a broke, arrogant king. He fires Parliament when they won’t give him money. He angers ____. They kill him (this is the English Civil War). The Puritans rule for a while but they are super boring, so the people kick out the Puritans and invite back Charles’ son. James II is boring and ____. This angers all the Protestants. James II marries his daughter, Mary I, off to ____ of Orange. This angers his daughter because she likes a girl. So Mary I raises an army and attacks. She wins without any bloodshed. She (and her husband) rule England and gives the people ____. ____ makes most of the decisions. American Revolution (1775-1783): ____ still has a lot of power in England. ____ III is a broke king. He fights wars with France in the American colonies and then makes the American colonies pay for it without letting them have a say in Parliament. So they are angry. Thomas ____ writes the Declaration of ____. George Washington leads the fight, but wins because they are very far away from the British and the ____ King Louis XVI (16) helps him out. America gives the people a ____ ...except young people, women, poor people, disabled, and slaves. French Revolution & Napoleonic Era (1789-1815): Louis XVI & Marie ____ (his wife) are wasteful and dumb. Louis XVI gives a lot of money to America. The price of ____ goes up! The 3rd Estate (____ people) get angry. So the 1st and 2nd Estates ( ____ & priests ) lock the 3rd Estate out of the parliament. So the 3rd Estate makes a new ____. The Poor People not in parliament break into the ____, steal a bunch of guns, and fight the king. Robespierre takes over. Louis & Marie & their kids are beheaded. Anyone who disagrees with Robespierre is beheaded. This is the Reign of ____. Then Robespierre gets beheaded. General ____ took over when Robspierre was executed. The People are tired of fighting so they voted for a constitution that gave him almost total power. Haitian Revolution (1791-1804): Most enslaved people are from anti-monarchists from ____. ____ is in Revolution. There are 1000 times as many slaves as slave owners on the French island of Haiti. Slave owners talk about the French revolution all the time. They are distracted. Toussaint L’Ouveture, an enslaved person, learns about the French Revolution, and revolts. Napoleon sells all of the ____ territory to the US to pay French troops to stop the Haitian revolution. When that doesn’t work, he invites L’Ouveture to come to France to make a truce. Napoleon ____ L’Ouveture. The Haitians win the revolution anyway! No one ____ with Haiti. Latin American Revolutions (1810s-1820s): MEXICO: Hidalgo, a ____, helps the Mestizos to rebel against Spain. ____ stops them & kills Hidalgo. Then Morelos, a priest, helps the Mestizos to rebel against Spain. Iturbite stops them & kills Morelos. Then the Creoles realize they might also lose power and get angry. So Iturbite gives Mexico independence.SOUTH AMERICA: Simon Bolivar, a ____, frees Columbia & San ____, a creole, frees Chile. They team up to free most of South America. BRAZIL: The Portuguese ____ goes to Brazil to escape Napoleon. Then the King goes back home. The Prince, a Peninsular, is left in Brazil. The people ask to be ____, so he says yes. Sepoy Mutiny (1858): India is divided: religiously (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh) & has ____. The British took India away from the weak ____ Empire. But the British take the Indian people's money, make them convert to ____, and offend the soldiers.So the soldiers ____ revolt, but they still all kind of hate each other, so they don’t work together. The British squash them. Then they use India to grow ____. Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901): China is isolationist but the British want Chinese to be desperate to trade. So they get the people addicted to Opium so they trade ____ for drugs. The Chinese do so many drugs that there is a national ____. The ____ tries to fix the drug problem but his mom (Dowager Empress Cixi) arrests him. Germany, Spain, France, the US, and Britain all try to take over China. The ____ (Chinese soldiers) don’t want to be taken over. The other countries kill the Boxers. The Queen agrees to make some changes and let the other countries keep ____ in China. Many people are still addicted to drugs and kind of mad. Russian Revolution (1917-1923): Czar ____ II is a good father but not a smart leader. When he industrialized Russia, the people are miserable at factory jobs. When he tried to expand the country, he loses to tiny ____. When he tried to help Britain in WWI, they lose battles AND the people are miserable. When he tried to visit the troops, his wife wastes tax money. The citizens & soldiers ____ and Nicholas II abdicated (steps down). Vladmir ____, the ____ leader, takes control of the government. He kills the Czar and his family. Lenin renames the Bolsheviks the “Communist Party”, renames Russia the ____, and then dies. Joseph ____ becomes the new leader of the USSR.


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