-dict- - say, tell,, -duct- - lead, -fect- - make, do, -flect- - bend, curve, -flict- - strike to the ground, -ject- - throw, -lect- - gather, choose, read, -pact- - fasten, agreed, -rect- - ruled, sight, -sect- - cut, -spect- - look, see, appear , -struct- - build, -tact- - touch, -tract- - draw, -vict- - conquer, -fess- - acknowledge, -gress- - step, degree, -mand- - order, -mit- - send, -pel- - drive, push, -pend- - hang, -press- - press, push against, -rupt- - break, -sent- - feel, perceive, -sist- - place, stand, -stant- - standing, -sult- - spring forward, leap, -tend- - stretch, reach, -tent- - stretch, reach (extent), -vent- - come,


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