1) How many chromosomes are in a sex cell? a) 46 b) 26 c) 23 d) 43 e) 22 f) 45 2) Is this punnet square true or false? a) False, because there should be 3 dominate alleles. b) False, because There should be 3 recessive alleles. c) True. d) I don't know.... e) True because there are 3 heterozygous f) False 3) Carriers have to be what genotype? a) heterozygous b) Incorrect heredity c) homozygous recessive d) Incorrect genes e) homozygous dominant f) None of the above 4) T - tall and t = short In the punnett square below, what belongs in the missing square a) tt b) Bb c) Tt d) TT e) BB f) BT 5) How many alleles (letters) do each person carry for a trait? a) 1 b) 3 c) 2 d) 4 e) none f) 5


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