THREE - The number of cycles of back blows & abdominal thrusts you may carry out before calling for an ambulance, THROAT - If someone is choking, they may point to this part of their body, BREATHE - Someone who is choking will find this difficult or impossible to do, MEDICAL - The type of advice sought if abdominal thrusts are used, CPR - What you should do if a choking person becomes unresponsive, COUGH - You should ask someone who is choking to do this, THRUSTS - Abdominal ____________, BLUE - The colour of a choking person’s lips, CHOKING - Someone who has an object blocking their airway is said to be..., FIVE - The maximum number of back blows you should give in one cycle, NUTS - Do not give young children these as they can choke on them,

Sea Cadets First Aid module FA09 Choking



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