1) Monsoons in India typically bring heavy rainfall in the winter, and dry conditions in the summer. a) true b) false 2) Many people that live in India are ____________; while many people that live in Pakistan are __________. a) Muslims; Hindus b) Hindus; Muslims c) Hindus; Buddhists d) Muslims; Buddhists 3) In the late 40s, early 50s, this cultural tradition was abolished. However, it still characterizes much of Indian society today. a) arranged marriages b) reincarnation c) the caste system d) praying 5 times a day 4) Who was India's beloved nonviolent leader? a) Buddha b) Sharif c) Nelson Mandela d) Gandhi 5) In 1971, East Pakistan became a) Pakistan b) Nepal c) Bangladesh d) Bhutan 6) Which of the following is caused by the moving of tectonic plates moving in India? a) Mount Everest continues to grow b) volcanoes c) earthquakes d) landslides 7) The Ganges Plain, which has many rivers, very rich alluvial farmland. Those rivers are, again, supported by the water coming from the nearby mountain ranges and are very important for agriculture. a) true b) false 8) Why do so many people in India and Bangladesh live by the Ganges River? a) It is the only area in these countries that receives rainfall. b) It provides water for farming and is used as a way to transport people and goods. c) The governments of these countries pay people to live near the river. d) Land by the river is cheaper to buy. 9) Which physical feature has often served as a barrier for trade and travel in South Asia? a) the Indian Ocean b) the Ganges River c) the Deccan Plateau d) the Himalayan Mountains 10) Monsoons can be described as... a) strong seasonal winds that result in distinct wet and dry seasons b) types of tornadoes that cause damage to homes c) physical features that prevent people from traveling through them d) very large rivers that people use for travel


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