Militarism - Aggressively building up a nation's armed forces in preparation for war in peace time, Mobilization - readying of troops for war, Central Powers - German & Austria-Hungary, Allies - Russia, France, Serbia, & Great Britain, Stalemate - Situation in which neither side is able to gain advantage, Propaganda - information intended to sway public opinion, U-boat - Unterseeboot or submarine, Sussex Pledge - German government again promised that U-boats would warn ships before attacking, Russian Revolution - Russian monarchy was replaced by republican government, Selective Service Act - authorizing a draft for young men for military service, Armistice - Cease-fire, Price Control - system of pricing determined by the government , Daylight Savings time - turning clocks ahead one hour for the summer, Sedition - is any speech or action that encourages rebellion, Reparations - payment for economic injury suffered during a war, League of Nations - organization in which the nations of the world would join together to ensure security and peace for all members , M A I N - Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand - Spark that ignited WWI, America stayed neutral - sell to both sides, prepare for war, not sure who to side with German or Great Britain, Treatment of blacks during WWI - migration to cities, take on jobs left by soldiers, some fought with French, Treatment of blacks after WWI - Racism returns, lost jobs, Treatment of Women during WWI - Took jobs for men fighting in Europe and more rights, Treatment of Women after WWI - Pushed back into kitchen, but fought for more rights,


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