1) Which of the following describes fungi? a) Prokaryotic cells that can survive in harsh enviroments b) Heterotrophic organisms with cell walls made of chitin c) Autotrophic multicellular organisms that have cell walls  d) Prokaryotes that are commonly found on humans 2) Birds, bees, and bats all have wings due to similar environmental pressures but have no common ancestor. This is an example of- a) homologous structures b) analogous structures c) vestigial structures 3) Whales have remnants of hip bones, though they no longer use them. This is an example of- a) Homologous structure b) Analogous structure c) Vestigial Structure 4) Which of the following best describes the concept of "punctuated equilibrium"? a) All existing species will gradually diverge into new species b) Evolution of new species occurs gradually over time c) Evolution of new species occurs in short periods of little change, with long periods of lots of change d) Evolution of new species occurs in short periods with many changes, interspersed with long periods of little change 5) Which of the following is the best example of an organism with a genetic variation that could improve its ability to reproduce? a) An ant that is resistant to pesticide b) A wasp that is infected with parasites c) A cactus that has no spines d) A mouse that has learned to avoid mousetraps 6) Who developed the theory of natural selection? a) Lamark b) Franklin c) Darwin d) West 7) Which of the following describes Eubacteria? a) Organisms that do not entirely fit into any of the other five kingdoms b) Prokaryotes that are commonly found on humans c) Prokaryotic cells that can survive in harsh environments d) Heterotrophic organisms with cell 8) Which of the following describes Plants? a) Heterotrophic organisms with cell walls made of chitin b) Heterotrophic organisms that lack cell walls c) Autotrophic multicellular organisms that have cell walls made of cellulose d) Prokaryotes that are commonly found on humans 9) Which of the following describes Animals? a) Heterotrophic organisms with cell walls made of chitin b) Prokaryotic cells that can survive in harsh environments c) Autotrophic multicellular organisms that have cell walls d) Heterotrophic organisms that lack cell walls 10) Which of the following is an example of a adaptation? a) Camouflage b) Injured back leg c) Knowing where to find the best food d) Deer learn to avoid hunters


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