What are you doing this weekend?, I am playing volleyball for the school team next Saturday., He isn't going to the cinema with his friends, he is staying at home., They are having lunch with their grandmother the day after tomorrow., Is Diana going to school tomorrow?, Would you like to come to the cinema tomorrow evening?, We are going camping at 8 o clock in the morning on Saturday., Does she have to wear a uniform at school?, Do you have to walk the dog right now?, You don't have to shout, I can hear you., When do you have to get up on Sunday?, Can I use your phone please?, You can't wear trainers in that restaurant., Do you want to go to the new exhibition at the National Gallery?, I haven't visited Ireland but I love Irish music., The longest book I have read is The Lord of the Rings., I have never been to China, but I would like to go there., Have you seen the play at the theatre?,


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