1) Jane turned off the radio when she________someone at the door. a) had heard b) has heard c) hears d) heard 2) "How was your weekend?" "I was busy_________things around the house''. a) doing b) by doing c) for doing d) to do 3) "Did Tom make it to the airport?" "He was in a taxi when I called him at four, but I haven't spoken to him _________ then." a) before b) by c) until d) since 4) As soon as the results are out, I will _______ to you. a) have been sending them b) have them sent c) have had them sent d) have been sent 5) The test was _______easy. a) surprise b) surprised c) surprisingly d) surprising 6) "Are you doing anything this evening?" "I've made ________ plans." a) no b) any c) not d) none 7) The manager said the project ________tomorrow. a) is presenting b) presents c) is to be presented d) is presented 8) "My dentist told me I have three cavities." "That means you ________ take better care of your teeth." a) had b) may c) should d) would 9) I __________ when Bill called to tell me the news. a) had just started studying b) started studying already c) have just started studying d) have been studying already 10) I really can't stand people ______ their garbage on public beaches. a) to leave b) that they leave c) when leaving d) who leave 11) I will call the police __________ you leave right now. a) unless b) only c) even d) whether 12) "You probably get a great salary." "I'm not really as _________ as you think I am." a) paying well b) well paid c) paid well d) well paying 13) This is a project that requires _________ many sponsors. a) a fund of b) be funded c) funding by d) funding of 14) "Did you fix our computer?" "_______did I fix it, but I cleaned it too." a) Besides b) Even though c) Not only d) Even if 15) Mary wishes she_________ along with her classmates. a) gets b) got c) is getting d) has got 16) While I enjoy contemporary painting, I know _________about the Renaissance. a) few b) little c) none d) some 17) There aren't really _________ nice hotels in this town. a) not many b) such a few c) that many d) so much 18) I'd like to ask you some questions about your __________ background. a) educated b) educational c) education d) educating 19) "Did you hear anything interesting on the news?" "Yes. A man ________ $3,000 for stealing a police car. a) fined b) was fined c) has fined d) had fined 20) I agreed to her suggestion_________ to upset her. a) so as not b) not as c) not in order d) so that not 21) I wonder___________ you'd mind lending me your calculator. a) how b) that c) whether d) when 22) "Anne's not here now, but I can take a message for her." "OK, please ________ her to call me at 8 o'clock. a) to tell b) you could tell c) telling d) tell 23) I prefer travelling by plane _______ it's usually faster and more comfortable that other means of transport. a) although b) furthermore c) since d) while 24) The scholarship __________ is a great opportunity for him. a) he has been offered b) he has offered c) he offered d) has been offered to him 25) What ______ action do you take if one of your students really misbehaves? a) disciplinary b) discipline c) disciplined d) disciplining 26) Nearly six _______ ten students want to continue their studies at university, research shows. a) by b) from c) out of d) of 27) "Why was the waiter upset?" "Because you didn't leave him_________tip." a) a big enough b) enough big c) so big a d) a too big 28) The managed to work together very well_________ the difficulties they had at the beginning. a) despite b) however c) nevertheless d) although 29) Undergraduates are encouraged to take the graduate school entrance exam _________ later. a) rather sooner or b) either sooner or c) sooner rather than d) sooner than not 30) "Where should we have lunch?" "There are a lot of nice places ________ at downtown." a) for eating b) for us eating c) to eat d) to be eating 31) I'm looking for a conveniently located, ________ apartment. a) furnished fully b) filled with furniture c) full of furniture d) fully furnished 32) There was nothing wrong with your cell phone. __________ was a new battery. a) Needed b) However needed c) Only it needed d) All it needed 33) "What would you do if you lost your job?" "I guess __________ another one." a) I'm looking for b) I had to look for c) I would look for d) to look for 34) "You look upset." "I'm really worried about _________ my dentist later today." a) I have to visit b) having visited c) to visit d) visiting 35) You weren't serious about quitting you job,__________? a) was you b) were you c) aren't you d) haven't you




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