1) Identify how many angles there are in an octagon a) the limit does not exist b) 1 big angle c) 7  d) 76 e) monkie f) 8 2) A point is ... a) a mole b) a polka dot c) an mysterious location  d) a parallel line e) an EXACT location  f) periodt 3) How many angles are displayed? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) ABCD e) a line f) BTS 4) A degree is a unit that is used to measure... a) the height of buidlings b) angles AND temperature c) the length of a baby's foot d) just temperature e) liquids f) just angles 5) How many degrees are in a circle a) 521 b) 90 c) 135 d) 180 e) 60 f) 360 6) How would you write 0.2 as a fraction a) 10/2 b) 1 c) 2/10 d) 0/2 e) 2/200 f) 1/100 7) A unit fraction... a) measures temperature b) ALWAYS has a numerator of 1 c) can measure chickie nuggies d) is greater than 1 e) 45/4 f) has a denominator of 1 8) What has ONE endpoint and continues on in ONE direction a) Rey form Star Wars b) parallel lines c) a ray d) Rey Mysterio e) a line segment f) Zayn from One Direction 9) An obtuse angle a) is a big boi b) measures LESS than 90 degrees c) is what the pioneers used to ride d) measures GREATER than 90 degrees e) 2 rays with 2 endpoints f) is the secret formula to the krabby patty 10) When plotting a fraction, the denominator lets me know... a) y= mx+b b) how many total pieces there are in a whole c) how to graph and find slope d) a whole number e) How to get to Jimin 11) An acute angle a) is kawaii b) measures exactly at 90 degrees c) measures LESS than 90 degrees d) measures 180 degrees e) is cold f) must be burped twice a day 12) Write 3 x 1/4 as a repeated addition problem a) 1/4 b) 4/1 + 4/1 + 4/1 c) 1/4 + 1/4 d) 2 + 2 e) 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 f) 4 13) A fraction greater than 1 has a... a) numerator and denominator that are equal  b) numerator that is larger than the denominator c) problem with other fractions d) deal with Lord Orochimaru e) denominator that is larger than the numerator f) parallel line 14) Check all that are fractions greater than 1 (3 answers in total) a) 5/2 b) 7/4 c) 1/4 d) 3/6 e) 25/3 f) <3 15) Half of a circle is a) 90 degrees b) 18 degrees Farenheight c) 360 degrees d) 30 degrees e) 180 degrees f) a busted circle 16) Which fractions are equivalent to 1 whole (3 answers in total) a) 5/5 b) 1/3 c) 3/3 d) 0 e) 15/15 f) 3/6 17) If you were to plot 8/9 on a number line, it would ... a) be at 0 b) be closer to 1/9 c) be a Noob d) be closer to 2 e) hold the same fate as the Uchiha clan :/ f) be closer to 1 whole 18) How would you write 0.02 as a fraction a) 0/2 b) 2/100 c) 2.2 d) 10 e) 100/2 f) 2/10 19) Compare 2/3 and 5/10 using >,<, = a) 2/3 + 5/10 b) 2/3 = 5/10 c) 2/3 > 5/10 d) <3 e) 2/3 < 5/10 20) If you wanted to model 4/5 on a number line, how many division lines would you draw?  a) real eyes, realize, real lies b) 3 lines c) 5 lines d) 4 lines e) 1 line


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