1) I _______ to read. a) love b) loves c) lovs d) lovies 2) We _______ to read. a) love b) loves c) lovs d) lovies 3) My sister and I _______ to travel. a) love b) loves c) lovs d) lovies 4) My sister is very smart. She always _______ me. a) help b) helps c) helpes d) helpies 5) My brother _______ TV only on Saturdays. a) watch b) watches c) watchs d) watchies 6) My brother and my sister _______ TV only on Saturdays. a) watch b) watches c) watchs d) watchies 7) They _______ TV only on Saturdays. a) watch b) watches c) watchs d) watchies 8) My dog _______ with me every night. a) play b) plaies c) plays d) playes 9) My dog is white. It _______ a shower twice a month. a) take b) takes c) taking d) takies 10) My parents usually _______ me on the weekends. a) call b) calls c) calles d) cals 11) My daughter _______ me every night. a) kiss b) kisss c) kissys d) kisses 12) My friends _______ to the mall once a week. a) go b) goes c) gos d) goies 13) They _______ tea every day. a) drink b) drinkes c) drinks d) drinkies 14) My friend _______ clothes every month. a) buy b) buyes c) buys d) buies 15) We _______ our hands before we _______. a) wash, eat b) washes, eats c) wash, eats d) washes, eat 16) He _______ his hands before we _______. a) wash, eat b) washes, eats c) wash, eats d) washes, eat 17) I _______ to music every morning. a) listen b) listens c) listenes d) listenies 18) She _______ to music every morning. a) listen b) listens c) listenes d) listenies 19) Michael and Michelle _______ the dishes every day. a) wash b) washes c) washs d) washies 20) Michelle _______ the dishes every day. a) wash b) washes c) washs d) washies 21) The baby _______ at night. a) cry b) cryes c) crys d) cries 22) The babys _______ at night. a) cry b) cryes c) crys d) cries 23) We _______ to Europe every year. a) fly b) flyes c) flys d) flies 24) My dad _______ to Europe every year. a) fly b) flyes c) flys d) flies 25) You _______ English very well. a) speak b) speaks c) speakies d) speakes 26) He _______ English very well. a) speak b) speaks c) speakies d) speakes


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