1) I .... some fish a) have got b) has got c) hasn't 2) She ... tea a) don't like b) like c) likes 3) We ... any carrots a) hasn't got b) haven't got c) has 4) They ... chicken a) likes b) doesn't like c) like 5) Has ... got any meat? a) they b) he c) we 6) Do ... like ice-cream? a) I b) you c) it 7) We ... a fridge a) has got b) hasn't got c) have got 8) Are ... hungry? a) you b) it c) she 9) I ... pasta a) likes b) don't like c) doesn't like 10) Has ... got any cheese? a) she b) we c) they

Magic box 2 have got/has got/ food



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