1) Mom! I've dropped my ice-cream! It's OK, don't worry - ..........you a new one! a) I'll get b) I'm getting 2) It's Simon's birthday on Friday. _______________ dinner with his friends at 8 pm tomorrow. a) He is going to have  b) He is having  3) Those clouds are coming this way. Yes, it looks as if ......... a) it will rain b) it's going to rain 4) Do you have any plans for the evening? Yes, .......... to the cinema with Mike. a) I'm going b) I'll go 5) We're going for a walk in the country tomorrow. a) It'll probably rain. b) It's probably raining. 6) Excuse me. I ordered still water and this is sparkling. I'm sorry, sir. ............it for you. a) I'll change b) I'm going to change 7) Have you phoned for a taxi? Yes, ........ in five minutes. a) it will come b) it's coming 8) Look at the clouds! It ..................... a) will rain b) is going to rain 9) I think this house is getting too small. ...........somewhere bigger? a) Will you move b) Are you going to move 10) Is your mate _______ with us to the cinema? a) going b) going to 11) The play starts at 7:30 so we need to be at the theater by 7:15. I ............late this time! a) I won't be b) I'm not being late 12) One day, I ................ a popular singer. a) will become b) going to become

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