I hate changing my mind! If I want something, I’m not going to give up until I get it. - stubborn, I always want to find out about new things. I love learning and I ask a lot of questions. - curious, I always give things to people and I love it when my friends have birthdays, because it’s fun to give them gifts. - generous, I always tell the truth. You can trust me! - honest, If my friends have something that I want, I get really upset. I want the best things all for myself! - jealous, I can wait a ling time for what I want and I don’t get bored or upset. If you need someone to listen to you all day, you should find me! - patient, I’m the most important person in the world! I don’t really care about anyone else. - selfish, I always do the right thing. I do my homework on time; don’t forget things and I always remember what I have to do. - responsible, It’s easy for me to get upset of angry. If I hear people talking about me, it hurts my feelings. - sensitive, I always think about other people. I try to do what’s best for them or what will make them happy. - thoughtful,


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