alliteration - emphasis that occurs through the repetition of initial consonant letters if two or more neighbouring words, antithesis - a contrast between two things; denotes the opposing of ideas by means of a grammatical parallel arrangement of words, clauses or sentences so as to produce an effective contrast, antonym - a word that means the opposite of another word, connotation - an additional idea or emotion that a word suggests to you that is not part of its actual meaning, ellipsis - leaving out words from a sentence that can be understood from the context in order to avoid repetition and to give a statement more emphasis, anaphora - the repetition of identical words or phrases at the beginning of a sentence or a line, analogy - similarity between two things, enumeration - a listing of words or phrases, euphemism - a word used for something unpleasant to make it sound less unpleasant, exclamation - something that you say suddenly and loudly because you are surprised, impressed, angry etc., extended metaphor - a metaphor that goes over several lines, hyperbole/exaggeration - representing something as being larger, greater, better or worse than it really is, inclusive language (e.g. pronoun “we”) - including the audience to create a sense of unity or identity, metaphor - two ideas that are not normally linked are compared in a metaphoer without using “as” or “like”. This creates an image in the reader’s mind and makes the description more powerful., onomatopoeia - words that sound like their meaning, e.g. “bang”, “crash”, parallelism - the repetition of a sentence pattern, repetition - words or phrases that are used more than once in a text, catching the reader’s attention, rhetorical question - an assertion in the form of a question which strongly suggests an obvious answer, rhyme - the repetition of sounds (in poetry usually at the end of a line), simile - a comparison of two ideas, usually linked by “as” or “like”, allusion - reference to a familiar or famous figure or event, direct address - when the audience is spoken to in the second person, foreshadowing - the technique of hinting at future events in such a way as that the reader is prepared for them or can expect them, imagery - use of vivid or descriptive language to represent objects, actions and ideas, stereotype - a simplified and generalized understanding of a person or group of people, based on what you expect as characteristic of them. An image that immediately arises in your mind as soon as you hear a name, for example.,

Language and stylistic devices



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