TOPIC FORM - Something you need to guide yourself during the first part of the exam, HOW ARE YOU? - A question you can ask the examiner as soon as you enter, CAN YOU SAY THAT AGAIN, PLEASE? - A way of asking for repetition without saying "What?!", I DON'T KNOW - Something you shouldn't say, ASK QUESTIONS - Something you CAN'T FORGET to do, NERVOUS, EXHAUSTED, EXCITED, ANXIOUS, THRILLED - Cool adjectives that can replace the typical "I'm FINE", WHAT ABOUT YOU? - Something you can ask the examiner without repeating their question, THE OBJECT - Something you need to use while you explain a subtopic, SIMPLE PAST - If the examiner asks you about a past anecdote, which verb tense do you need to use?, FUTURE - If the examiner asks you about a plan or prediction, which verb tense do you need to use?, PRESENT PERFECT - If the examiner asks you a HAVE YOU EVER question, which verb tense do you need to use?, WHAT DO YOU MEAN? - A way of asking for clarification without saying "What?!", BYE, THANKS FOR YOUR TIME! LOVELY TALKING TO YOU, etc - A more advanced way of saying goodbye, FREEZE AND SAY NOTHING - If you don't know the answer to something, you shouldn't..., TRY TO BE CREATIVE OR ASK A QUESTION TO THE EXAMINER - If you don't know the answer to something, you should...,




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