Functional requirement: Business requirements. This usually contains the ultimate goal, such as an order system, an online catalogue, or a physical product. It can also include things like approval workflows and authorization levels., Administrative functions. These are the routine things the system will do, such as reporting., User requirements. These are what the user of the system can do, such as place an order or browse the online catalogue., System requirements. These are things like software and hardware specifications, system responses, or system actions., Non-functional requirement: Usability. This focuses on the appearance of the user interface and how people interact with it. What colour are the screens? How big are the buttons?, Reliability / Availability. What are the uptime requirements? Does it need to function 24/7/365?, Scalability. As needs grow, can the system handle it? For physical installations, this includes spare hardware or space to install it in the future., Performance. How fast does it need to operate?, Security. What are the security requirements, both for the physical installation and from a cyber perspective?,

Understanding Requirements


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