What will you do if you win the lottery?, What will you do if you break up with your friend?, If you want to relax after class, what will you watch?, If you have some free time on Saturday, will you study more?, What medicine will you take if you catch a cold next week?, What will you do if you get your dream job?, What will you do if you miss your family while travelling?, What would you do if you saw a man trying to steal your car?, Where would you live if you could live anywhere?, If you were powerful enough to change the world,what would you change?, Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?, If your house was on fire, what personal belonging would you miss the most?, If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?, If you had enough money to giveaway, who would you help?, If you had $1000 dollars to spend within an hour, how would you spend them?, If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?, If you had excellent fighting skills, What would you do with them?, If you had the chance to interview a celebrity, what questions would you make?, How would your life have been different if your parents had given you a different name?, How would the world be different if nuclear weapons had never been invented?, What would you have done in your last holiday if time, money etc had been no limit? How could that have changed your life?.

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