1) This hotel … in 1975. a) is built b) were built c) has been built d) was built 2) It ...... by the summer holidays. a) won't be completed b) is be completed c) has completed d) won't complete 3) It … next year by the Mayor. a) was reopened b) will be reopened c) are reopened d) has been 4) A new dining room … before we visited the house. a) was add b) was been added c) had been added d) had been add 5) The bus stop … by vandals last night. a) had been destroyed b) is destroyed c) was destroyed d) has been destroyed. 6) Elections … next spring. a) were held b) will be held c) had been held d) is being 7) We noticed that the window ... a) had been broken b) has been broken c) have been broken d) will be broken 8) Smoking … in public places by the govenment. a) were banned b) has been banned c) have been banned d) was being banned 9) In my view, a new shopping centre … on the outskirts of town. a) should be built b) must build c) should built d) has to be build 10) The pyramids … more than 4,500 years ago. a) was built b) are built c) were built d) will have been built 11) The best place for freerunning ........ . a) will shown to Wayne. b) are shown to Wayne. c) has been shown Wayne. d) was shown to Wayne.


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