1) Which is one of the greatest examples of Roman Architecture? a) Arc de Triomphe b) Stonehenge c) Colosseum d) Great Wall 2) These helped move water all throughout Ancient Rome a) mosaics b) aquaducts c) farming d) buckets 3) This is the kind of government where people vote for a small group of people to make the rules. a) representative dictatorship b) representative monarchy c) representative democracy d) representatie president 4) This type of art is made of tiny tiles on buildings and shows what life was like in Ancient Rome. a) mosaics b) sculptures c) paintings 5) What was the geography of Ancient Rome like? a) wetlands b) plains c) tundras and ice caps d) dry and rocky mountains 6) Which two crops grew well in Ancient Rome? a) corn and beans b) corn and olives c) grapes and olives d) grapes and corn 7) What was one main industry of Ancient Rome? (Hint- all the trees helped make this possible!) a) shipbuilding b) textiles c) pig farms d) tourism 8) Romans used rocks and dirt to create the first __________ ___________ in Ancient Rome. a) rocks and flowers b) Roman roads c) dirt and water d) dirt and flowers 9) Ancient Rome was located near which major body of water? a) Pacific Ocean b) Mediterranean Sea c) Chesapeake Bay d) Arctic Ocean 10) Rome is a current-day city in which country? a) France b) China c) Greece d) Italy


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