Monomer - Small, basic molecular unit, Polymer - Large, complex molecules composed of chains of monomers, Nucleotide/amino acid/monosaccharide - Examples of monomers, Glucose and Fructose - Sucrose is composed of, Glucose and Glucose - Maltose is composed of , Glucose and galactose - Lactose is composed of , Sucrose - Which disaccharide is a non reducing sugar, Disaccharides - Maltose, Sucrose and Lactose are examples of, Polymers are formed and water is produced - Condensation reactions are where, Polymers are broken down and water is added - Hydrolysis reactions are where, Benedict's test - Test for a reducing sugar, Iodine test - Test for starch, Isomers - Molecules with the same formula but slightly different structure, Alpha Glucose - Starch is a polysaccharide made up of, Beta Glucose - Cellulose is a polysaccharide made up of, Glycogen - Storage carbohydrate in animals,


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