gawped - mu aunt when we saw what she was wearing., glared - The me when I said I hadn't done the homework., gazing - They are in love, so they spend hours...into each other's eyes., squinted - he came out of the dark room into the light., glanced - the headlines because I didn't have time to read the whole paper., gaped - him in surprise when he told her she had got the job., glimpsed - friend when I walked past her classroom., compassionate - If someone is ..., they feel pity for others who are suffering, dignified - If someone is..., they behave in a calm and serious way that makes other people respect them, courageous - If someone is ..., they are able to control their fear in the face of danger, go out of their mind - My parents will...if my little sister doesn't come home, change my mind - I'm not going to...about the party. I don't want to go, give me a piece of her mind - My mother will...if I'm late for dinner, make up my mind - I couldn't...whether to order the chicken or the fish, have sth on your mind - It's difficult to study if you..., cross your mind - Does it ever...that you ought to get up earlier?, take her mind off - My sister often goea for a long walk to...her studies., keep in mind - Don'r spend all your money at once. ... that it has to last all your month, slip my mind - I sometimes have so much to do that the most important things...and I forget them, be in two minds - I suppose you must...about going to university. It'll be expensive, but you won't have any money!,

insight upper-intermediate vocabulary review


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