1) The path Earth makes around the Sun is called the____ a) axis b) rotation c) counterclockwise d) orbit 2) Earth's rotation results in day and night. a) True b) False 3) Object "F" on the solar system diagram represents which planet? a) Saturn b) Jupiter c) Neptune d) Mercury 4) Which planet is closest to the Sun? a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Mercury 5) What is the largest planet in the solar system? a) Neptune b) Saturn c) Uranus d) Jupiter 6) When a planet spins on its axis, it ____ . a) vibrates b) explodes c) rotates d) revolves 7) ____is the third planet from the Sun. a) Mars b) Earth c) Venus d) Mercury e) Neptune f) Jupiter 8) Object "D" on the solar system diagram represents which planet? a) Mars b) Mercury c) Earth d) Venus 9) Which letter from the solar system diagram shows Mercury? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E f) F 10) Which planet is known as the water planet? a) Mars b) Earth c) Mercury d) Venus 11) What two planets have visible rings around them? a) Saturn and Mercury b) Saturn and Mars c) Saturn and Uranus d) Saturn and Earth 12) The Earth's tilt on its axis causes the seasons. a) True b) False 13) The image shows _________ a) a star b) a planet c) a galaxy d) a universe e) a black hole f) an asteroid 14) Earth moves in a path around the Sun, creating an Earth year. a) True b) False 15) A solar system is all the planets and other objects that orbit around a star. a) True b) False 16) How many days does it take for Earth to make one revolution around the Sun? a) 88 days b) 263 days c) 365 days d) 194 days 17) The Sun rotates around Earth. a) True b) False 18) a piece of rock burning as it enters Earth's atmosphere___ a) comet b) asteroid c) meteorite d) meteor 19) Venus is an outer planet. a) True b) False 20) It is the biggest volcano in the Solar system. a) Mauna Loa b) Mayon Volcano c) Mauna Kea d) Olympus Mons 21) Which planet in our solar system is known to be the windiest? a) Uranus b) Saturn c) Neptune d) Jupiter 22) It is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty. a) Mercury b) Venus c) Mars d) Earth 23) Which of the following is classified as the dwarf planet? a) Mars b) Meteor c) Ceres d) Venus 24) Which of the following planets is the only one where life is known to exist? a) Earth b) Venus c) Mars d) Mercury 25) Which of the following planets has the most moons in the solar system? a) Jupiter b) Saturn c) Neptune d) Uranus 26) Which of the following planets has the longest orbital period in the solar system? a) Jupiter b) Mercury c) Uranus d) Neptune 27) What are comets often called? a) dirty snowballs b) silly streakers c) Glorious dirty balls d) Pretty dusters 28) How many tails does a comet have? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 29) What is it that you can find between planet Mars and Jupiter? a) Kuiper belt b) Oort cloud c) Asteroid belt d) Exoplanet 30) Which of the following locations are most dwarf planets found in the solar system? a) Kuiper belt b) asteroid belt c) Oort cloud d) Exoplanet

Chapter Test in Science: Solar System



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