1) How do you say "Jag har en katt" in english? 2) Spell the word in english. 3) PLING PLONG: Name three countries where they speak english as a first language? 4) How do you say 238 in english? 5) What does the word "meating" mean in swedish? 6) How do you say "Mikaela är bäst!" in english? 7) PLING PLONG: Name 5 words that starts with a B? 8) Spell the word in english. 9) What do they call their money in the US? 10) How do you say "Jag behöver hjälp"? 11) What is the capital city of USA? 12) PLING PLONG: Which city is also called "the Big apple"? 13) What do they call their money in England? 14) Name three words that starts with K. 15) What is two times ten? 16) What does vegetables mean in swedish? 17) Name three colors. 18) How do you say "Tyskland" in english? 19) Translate; "Jag har läxa." 20) PLING PLONG: What is 72 times 8? 21) How do you spell this word? 22) What is the name of the US president? 23) What do you call this in UK? 24) Name five animals. 25) Name four things you can see in this classroom. 26) PLING PLONG: Name three sports in english. 27) How do you say this word in english?

Engelska Pling Plong


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