1) I __________ to London tomorrow afternoon. a) am flying b) am going fly  c) are flying d) are going to fly 2) My brother __________ 34 in June. a) are going to be b) is being c) will be d) isn't being 3) I __________ you with your homework. Don't worry! a) am helping b) will help you c) am going to help d) am going to helping 4) I __________ "Star Wars" with my friends tomorrow at 7 p.m. a) are watching b) are going to watch c) am watching 5) Look at the clouds. It __________. a) is snowing b) is going to snowing c) is snowwing d) is going to snow 6) Are you going to the club today? I __________ there as I have a headache. a) am not going b) am going c) am no going d) will not go 7) I think you __________ this film, it's really great! a) are going to like b) likes c) is going to like  d) will like 8) We __________ computer games when we arrive home. I bought the games.  a) be playing b) are going to play c) are going to go d) be going to 9) My friend and I __________ dinner on Tuesday. a) be haveing b) am having c) are go to have d) are having 10) We use __________ for a plan or intention for the future. a) to be going to b) Present Continuous c) will 11) We use __________ for definite future arrangements. a) to be going to b) Present Continuous c) will 12) We use __________ for predictions without evidence (in general). a) to be going to b) Present Continuous c) will 13) We use __________ for predictions based on evidence. a) to be going to b) Present Continuous c) will 14) We use __________ for promises and offers. a) to be going to b) Present Continuous c) will

Future forms: will / going to / Present Continuous



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