1) Please, don't shout! .... a) Be quiet! b) Make a noise! 2) We must wear a ... at school. a) scarf b) uniform 3) You must keep your classroom clean. You mustn't .... a) jump the line b) drop litter 4) We must be.... to others. a) kind b) fine 5) It's cold outside! .... your jacket! a) Put on b) Take off 6) .... your shoes! They are dirty. a) Put on b) Take off 7) We have a class at 10, so we must be there .. time a) in b) on c) at 8) I don't like dark colours. I prefer the ... colours. a) bright b) funny 9) You mustn't ... in the class. I'ts not polite. a) wear a uniform b) chew gum 10) It's cold. Put on your... a) jumper b) T-shirt


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