She ____ a teacher. They ____ Spanish. We ____ tired. I ____ from London. I ____ 25 years old. ____ she sad? ____ they nice? He ____ ____ my brother. My mum ____ here at the moment. They ____ at school right now. I ____ ____ your boyfriend. It ____ raining outside. ____ I in room 7? What ____ your name? How old ____ you? Where ____ you from? What ____ your job? ____ they siblings? They ____ on the bus. ____ you thirsty? She ____ my grandmother. They ____ a couple. We ____ in the museum. My friend ____ here. They ____ women. I ____ a single child. She ____ from Africa. We ____ ____ at home yesterday. She ____ on holiday last year. ____ they musicians?

Verb TO BE - Present and Past


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