1) What is meant when a manufacturer enhances the finished product? a) He is improving the appearance of the product b) He is beautifying the appearance of the product. c) He is decorating the appearance of the product. d) He is developing the appearance of the product. 2) What do you call a rectangular wooden device with a carved part at the center where a metal blade is inserted and is used for smoothening?____2. a) Sandpaper b) hand plane c) chisel d) paint brush 3) What should be the first step in making a project? a) Prepare the materials needed in making. b) Work slowly but surely. c) Plan the project d) Get a starting capital. 4) Which is NOT used in enhancing a finished product? a) Paint b) coloring material c) varnish d) lubricating oil 5) What should you do to attain the proper mixture of the paint? a) Apply the first coating. b) Stir the paint. c) let the paint dry in open air. d) apply a second coating. 6) In what direction should you plane a wooden product? a) In the direction of the grain of the wood. b) Against the direction of the grain of the wood. c) Perpendicular to the direction of the grain of the wood. d) Diagonal to the direction of the grain of the wood. 7) Which is NOT a process in enhancing a finished product?. a) Painting b) Varnishing c) Repairing d) Planning 8) Which of the following is a safety practice while working? a) Wear gloves and mask if needed. b) Keep tools without cleaning them. c) Start clean and end in mess d) Use whatever tool could be used. 9) Which refers to the proceeds earned after the expenses for the productions and operations are deducted? a) Capital b) Sales c) Income d) Expenses 10) Which are included in the expenses in making a project? a) Cost of materials and transportation b) Labor and sales c) Fuel and Loans d) all of these 11) The total expenses in making a certain product is P150. If is sold at P200, how much is the interest profit that was gained? a) 33% b) 50% c) 25% d) 133% 12) In making a wooden product, the producer needed a total of P100 for the expenses. How much should he sell the product if he wants to gain a 25% profit? a) P75 b) P125 c) P25 d) P150 13) What tool is used to drive in or remove screws that fasten electrical wires or other electrical accessories? a) Screwdrivers b) Pliers c) electric drill d) Wire stripper 14) Which of the following are examples of pliers? a) Cutter and long nose b) Multi-tester and Wire stripper c) screw and screwdriver d) all of these 15) What instrument is used to measure resistance, voltage and current that flow in a circuit? a) Wires stripper b) multi-tester c) voltmeter d) ammeter 16) What do you call a small electrical device with a practical use? a) Equipment b) device c) gadget d) electronic 17) What should be the first step in making electrical gadgets? a) Prepare the materials needed. b) Seek for technical assistance. c) Clean the area. d) Test the project. 18) Which part in an extension cord is used to plug to connect to the source of power? a) Male plug b) Female plug c) Wire d) Screws 19) What should you do after completing the extension cord that you made? a) Try it out if it works b) Keep the materials that you used properly c) Let a technician check your work d) Check if there are exposed wires 20) “Prevention is better than cure”. Which of the statements explains this reminder when working? a) It is advised to work by practicing safety precautions. b) It is more difficult to cure than to prevent accident when working. c) It suggests that one should be prepared for possible accident/s when working. d) Prepare a first aid kit before starting to work. 21) Which is NOT one of the Principles of 5S? a) Sort b) Strengthen c) Sweep d) Systematize 22) What type of waste materials includes concrete, wood, and metal? a) Construction and demolition waste b) Electronic waste c) Medical waste d) Industrial waste 23) What waste material can be made into a fabric covered basket? a) Plastics b) Wine bottles c) Papers/notebooks d) Plastic bottles 24) What is advocated to lessen the waste in a workplace? a) 3Rs Program b) Principle of 5S c) Waste Management d) Waste Segregation 25) What is the most commonly used to package any kind of item in grocery stores and department stores? a) Plastics b) Wine bottles c) Papers/notebooks d) Plastic bottles 26) What is the goal of the 3R’s program? a) To reduce, reuse and recycle waste materials b) To segregate the waste materials c) To create waste materials into something useful d) To lessen waste materials 27) This refer to the process of planning, controlling and assessing the extent by which all sorts of waste can be regulated in order to minimize them? a) Reduce. Reuse and recycle b) Waste management c) Waste segregation d) Waste manipulation 28) Why is it important to manage our waste materials? a) Because unmanaged waste causes diseases that leads to death. b) Because it is or social responsibility to cooperate with the program. c) Because cleanliness is next to godliness d) Because increasing waste threatens our environment and everything that lives in it. 29) Why should we reduce, reuse and recycle plastic materials? a) Because it is the most abundant source of waste in the environment. b) Because they are easier to reduce, reuse and recycle than other types of waste. c) Because plastic wasted do not decompose. d) Because they are difficult to be reproduced 30) Which of the following are recyclable materials? a) Plastic and cans b) Paper and bottles c) Plastic, bottles and ice cream container d) All of these 31) It is a good finish for many projects. It comes from the excretes of insects called a luc bug. The color is yellow and appears like small pieces of cellophane. Before it is used, it is mixed with denatured alcohol. a) Shellac b) Varnish c) Paste filler d) Paint 32) It is finishing material that is always used because of its beautiful color and a good protector of materials. It is a mixture of four elements: pigment, vehicle, thinner, and drier. It comes in cans of different sizes. a) Paint b) Enamel c) Shellac d) Lacquer 33) A transparent finishing material that comes from gum, linseed oil, and resin. a) Varnish b) Enamel c) Stains d) Paint 34) This is a synthetic product which is largely used in all manufactured articles. This finishing material could retain the natural color of the material to which it is applied. a) Lacquer b) Stain c) Shellac d) Paint 35) It is coloring material which is applied to the surface of a wood to improve its appearance. It is applied by means of brush, spray, or cotton cloth. a) Stain b) Varnish c) Lacquer d) Enamel 36) It is the process of whitening or removing the color by sunlight exposure. a) Bleaching b) Pyrography c) Preserving d) Dyeing 37) Process of burning designs of bamboo with hot wire. a) Pyrography b) Bleaching c) Preserving d) Dyeing 38) What is the process of applying colors into the material? a) Dyeing b) Bleaching c) Pyrography d) Preserving 39) What method of dyeing is done by boiling water with dye? a) Direct dyeing b) Bleaching c) Preservative d) Reactive dyeing 40) It is the process by which an image is drawn in a loose manner. It is a rough representation of an object, an idea, or a principle. a) Sketching b) Shading c) Outlining d) Drawing 41) It is the process of marking the inside of an outline to project shadows or degrees of lightness and darkness a) Shading b) Sketching c) Outlining d) Drawing 42) It is the process of making on the outer parts of any shape, object or any figure by the use of lines a) Outlining b) Shading c) Sketching d) Drawing 43) A tree-like tropical glass with hollow pointed stems used for furniture a) Plywood b) Bamboo c) Seashells d) Anahaw 44) A material which is our national leaf a) Plywood b) Bamboo c) Seashells d) Anahaw 45) A fiber plant which is very much in demand not only in the Philippines but also abroad a) Plywood b) Bamboo c) Seashells d) Abaca 46) A large thin wood available in the lumberyard or constructions materials supply store a) Plywood b) Bamboo c) Seashells d) Abaca 47) Materials common among people living near the seashore. a) Plywood b) Bamboo c) Seashells d) Abaca 48) Gadget use to call the attention of the owner of the house. a) Extension cord b) Lamp shade c) Bulb tester d) Door bell 49) A gadget use to access electricity in our appliances far from the convenient outlet. a) Extension cord b) Lamp shade c) Bulb tester d) Door bell 50) A part of a lamp that holds the fluorescent tube a) Screw driver b) Holder c) Combination pliers d) Male plug




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