LEGENDS According to legend, the Romans were descendants of the ____. After Troy was destroyed the few people who escaped sailed for many years to find a new home. Finally, they landed in ____ and their leader, called Aeneas, founded a new city and started a line of kings. Hundreds of years later, a king called ____ was overthrown by his wicked brother. He ordered to kill Numitor's twin grandsons, ____. The boys were put in a basket and left by the River Tiber to die. But a ____ found them and fed them. Later, ____ brought up the twins. As they grew strong and brave they decided to build a city beside the Tiber, where the wolf had found them. ____ became the first king of the city and named it ____ in ____. THE FACTS Early Rome was built from small ____ where shepherds and ____ lived. The villages were close to ____, so important trading routes went through the area, making the villagers rich. In the ____ the villages ____ and formed a city. This city became Rome. ROMAN SOCIETY There were two big social groups, ____. The patricians came from ____, noble families and held the highest positions with the most important political offices. The plebeians were traders, farmers and craftsmen. They always fought for more ____ and better position in ____ life. As Rome grew bigger ____ appeared in Roman society. THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC Citizens could vote and choose officials in the ____, but Rome was ruled by the ____ and ____. The senators were the richest patricians and they made important ____ decisions. The two consuls, who were elected for ____ year, ____ and made decisions about war and peace with ____. When Rome was in danger, the Senate chose a ____, who had ____, for ____ months.

Unit 2.11 - The Foundation of Rome (missing words)


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