1) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Division b) Less than c) Unit vector d) Arc 2) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Cube root b) Lemniscate c) Ray d) Measured angle 3) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Greater than or equal to b) Not equal c) Line d) Parallel 4) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Times b) Measured angle c) Brackets d) nabla/del 5) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Percent b) Delta function c) Perpendicular d) Minus 6) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Greater than b) Tilde c) Ray d) Square root 7) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Less than b) Degree c) Sigma d) Percent 8) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Less than or equal to b) Brackets c) Equals d) pi 9) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Greater than or equal to b) Minus c) Integral d) Line 10) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Laplace transform b) Vector c) Unit vector d) Square root 11) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Less than or equal to b) Division c) Equivalent d) Imaginary unit 12) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Not equal b) Integral c) Greater than d) Percent 13) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Parallel b) Imaginary unit c) Parenthesis d) Perpendicular 14) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Tilde b) Equals c) Angle d) Euler's number 15) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Cube root b) Horizontal division line c) Power (exponent) d) Caret (exponent) 16) Which mathematical symbol shown here? a) Closed surface integral b) Congruent to c) Decimal point d) Times


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