OMG - Oh my goodness, BFF - Best Friends forever, SMH - Shaking my head, ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing, omw - On my way, JK - Just kidding, wyd - What you doing?, Meilin: 13 years old, turns into Giant red panda, Abby: 14 year old, Korean Canadian student, loves fluffy things!, Miriam: 13 year old, easy going and nurturing friend, skateboarding wiz, Priya: 13 years old, the mellow friend who is HEAVY into vampire series "Nightfall", Mei's Panda form, only comes out when Mei feels strong emotions!, 4Town: International Boy Group that Mei and her friends adore. The group consists of Aaron Z., Aaron T., Robaire, Jesse, and Tae Young,


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