1938 - Pure Penicillin created, 1928 - Penicillin discovered, 1910 - Salvarsan 606, 1948 - NHS, 2007 - Smoking ban, 1875 - 2nd Public Health Act, 1848 - 1st Public Health Act, 1865 - Antiseptic, 1890's - Invention of X-Rays, 1953 - DNA discovered, 1932 - Prontosil, 1853-56 - Crimean war, 1859 - Notes on Nursing, 1860 - Nightingale School of Nursing, 1861 - Germ Theory, 1854 - Cholera and Broadstreet pump, 1847 - Chloroform, 1990 - Human Genome, 1798 - Smallpox Vaccine, 1842 - Report on the Sanitary Conditions of the Laboring Population, 1348 - Arrival of Black Death, 1665 - Arrival of Great Plague, 1439 - Printing press, 1543 - Fabric of the Human Body, 1536-40 - Dissolution of Monasteries, 1628 - Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood, 1676 - Observationes Medicae, 1660 - Royal Society ,

History: Medicine Through Time


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