Filtration - A method for separating an insoluble solid and a liquid, Proton - Sub-atomic particle with a positive charge, Plumpuddingmodel - Thompson's theory that electrons are scattered throughout the atom, Isotope - Forms of an element that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons., Compound - Two or more elements chemically bound together, Halogens - Group 7 of the periodic table, Alkalimetals - React with water to produce a hydroxide, Transitionmetal - Metal element found in the central block of the periodic table, Rutherford - Scientist who carried out the famous gold leaf experiment, Displacement - Type of reaction that halogens take part in , Lithium - Which is less reactive? Sodium or lithium?, Noblegases - Which elements have full outer shells?, Ion - Electrically charged particle, formed when an atom or molecule gains or loses electrons., Electrons - These Are gained or lost in chemical reactions, Groups - The columns on the periodic table , Seven - Number of electrons chlorine has in its outer shell, Conductor - Property of metal that makes it useful in electrical wiring, Chromatography - Technique used to separate different substances dissolved in a liquid , Massnumber - Number of protons and neutrons in an atom, Solvent - The liquid in which the solute dissolves to form a solution., Element - A substance made of one type of atom only., Distillation - Separation method used to separate a solvent from a solution., Molecule - A collection of two or more atoms held together by chemical bonds., Alkaline - Having a pH greater than 7., Shells - What electrons orbit the nucleus in,


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